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After 25 Years Larry King hangs up his suspenders

After 25 Years Larry King hangs up his suspenders
After 25 Years Larry King hangs up his suspenders

Today after a quarter of a century of interviewing the famous and powerful Veteran CNN talk show host Larry King hangs up his famous suspenders. Born Larry Zeiger in Brooklyn, the CNN icon has become one of the most recognizable figures on US television, after previously anchoring a national radio show for seven years. King will be
succeeded by former British journalist Piers Morgan.

Over the decades the gravel voiced broadcaster has  interviewed everyone who is anyone on his nightly program including every US president since Gerald Ford.The Emmy award winner has conducted over 40,000 interviews over the years  and recently broke the world record for the same TV interview show in the same time slot with the same presenter.King’s last show, broadcast from CNN’s Los Angeles offices on Sunset Boulevard, it aired  at 6:00 pm Pacific Coast Time day  and CNN says it has “a bunch of surprises for him.” King  is contracted to do four “specials” per year for CNN, as well as more of the charity work he has done for years. He is expected to remain a regular at the Beverly Hills delicatessen that  he has been a regular for years.

Tinsel Town honored King in 1997 with a star on the Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard, a short walk from CNN’s LA offices , to commemorate his 40th anniversary in broadcasting.

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