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Orange Beach Wedding Packages

Orange Beach Wedding Packages

The Teels Orange beach wedding service at the Hilton on the beach. A simple beach wedding with a few guests on the beach. We provided the wedding officiant minister service. My wife Donna took a few photos for our website from the wedding. It was a nice day out with a few clouds in the sky and a cool breeze.

Orange beach wedding service

See more photos and information at Sun Coast Beach Weddings Here

The Hilton Garden Inn is a great location for a small beach wedding. This was one of three weddings that day on the beach behind the hotel.

We offer our Orange beach wedding service starting at $150 on weekdays and then Friday, Saturday and Sunday it is $200. You can on the popular beach sand ceremony that includes a decorated table and sand containers for $100 more. This also includes the extra sand ceremony added to the wedding vows. You get to keep and take home the heart-shaped sand bottle.

Professional photography can be added to any Orange beach wedding service package as well.  This included the wedding coverage, after wedding group photos, bride and groom photos, Fun photos and a lot more. Most weddings end up with around 75 to 125 photos. You can download your high-resolution images from a custom photo gallery we set for you. Photos include print right so you can make your own prints in any size you want.

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