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Nikon Z6 Camera mini review

Nikon Z6 Camera Mini Review

The Nikon Z6 is the new mirrorless 24MP camera from Nikon. I am not going to go into all the specs of the camera that you can find all over the place.

I have had the camera now for almost a week so this just a mini review. In this time I have shot a portrait session and lots of just going out and shooting. Also shooting at night at Christmas tree lighting hitting iso 6500 and 5000.

I will be posting a full review in a few weeks after I have shot with it a lot more Here

Here is what I have found from the first week so far.

I do like the new viewfinder it is very clear and easy to use. But at times you can tell it is an electronic finder. The live view shooting seeing your change in the finder before you shoot is great but it can be a little off I would say it is 85% right. The shot images may be a little brighter or at time darker. But still, this is a great feature.

Shooting with it at a family portrait session it did a great job even shooting into sun backlit subjects. I would say it did as good as my D500 I have been shooting with for focus but sometimes the focus is a little better creating sharper images then I get with my D500. I think the z6 using the same lens just focuses them better.

For the raw files I have been using the Adobe DNG converter and editing them in my older non-monthly fee version of Lightroom and that is working great so I do not need to upgrade that.

Shooting at night for a Christmas tree lighting the Z6 did fantastically I did not miss anything it was very responsive and nailing the focus even when needing to be at ISO 6400 to get a bright image. Most of what I shot for this was at ISO 3200 and I was very happy with all the results.

The higher and lower ISO ranges are very clean I am also very happy with that too.

For custom setting i assigned one of the front buttons to be image playback as the playback button on the camera is over on the top left. This may not sound bad till you start using it and you soon find that when using a larger or heavy lens or a zoom lens you need to have your hand on the lens. So with your hand on the lens, you have no hand or finger over by the playback button. So you have to let go of the lens and hold all the weight with your right hand to be able to reach the playback button. So by setting up one of the front buttons to playback you can now not take your face away from the camera and just push the button and get image playback in the viewfinder. So problem fixed.

Here is a sample photo from the portrait session that was shot on the beach at sunset. We shoot family beach portraits you can see out website My Family Beach Portraits Here

Nikon Z6 shot photo 1



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