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Zuckerberg a victim of hacking

Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus

Facebook founder ,the 26 year old billionaire,  Mark Zuckerberg said a odd posting coming from Facebook was a bug , the cryptic message that was posted overnight to the Facebook fan page ,supposedly was to have come from him .Over 2000 comments were made before crypic message could be taken down .  Facebook issued a statement. “A bug enabled status postings by unauthorized people on a handful of pages , The bug has been fixed,” the statement read but at first Facebook declined to make a comment. They still haven’t figured out how the hack occurred .A speculation is that Mr Zuckerberg walk away from his desk for a while and someone typed the message in.

The message called for the site to become a social business with investment for the users and used Mr Zuckerberg name and read,”Let the hacking begin. If Facebook needs money , instead of going to banks , why doesn’t Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a social business the way Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus described it?”
Muhammad Yunus is a founder of the Grameen Bank which extends small loans to people who have no collateral , he is also a Nobel Peace Prize winner .Luckly no personal user accounts were affected.

Some clues to who the hacker might be was turned up by the Guardian newspaper but has failed to identify them .  Mr Zuckenberg private account has not been effected

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